Monday, August 1, 2011


I’m going to shift gears here and talk about something I think some of us are lacking and that is COMPASSION. I’m not talking about anyone in particular so don’t start emailing me because you think I am talking about you because I am not. If you feel guilty then look in the mirror and evaluate what you see.

The Government continues to cut money from social program like Medicare and education. There is only so much money to go around. When money is being taken from one program it is being moved to another. I think it was in 2003 when then President W. Bush cut taxes from 39% down to 35%. That is all good if he felt like the government was bringing in too much money. President O’bama has continued the same policy as if the government is bringing in too much money. My problem is the cutting of programs. Why does the government continue to cut money from programs like Medicare and Pell Grants? Maybe it is because those people don’t have influence in the White House. Social Security is in their crosshairs. They are working on a way to sell it to the public. Mark my words.

They can do this because too many of us don’t have compassion for those that have so little. We seem to feel like as long as it doesn’t affect my family then I don’t care. We complain because we see someone in the grocery store with food stamps getting a T-bone steak when WE feel that they should be getting ground beef or no meat at all. Rather than view that as the exception to the rule we view it as the rule. I don’t believe people on food stamps are eating steaks every day. I also don’t think that because someone buys a steak they should be removed from the program. Now, do I believe there are people out there abusing the program? Yes I do. I don’t think there is a program out there that is not being abused by someone.

The same goes for tax breaks. I don’t think all tax breaks are being used the way they were intended. They said they were reducing tax rates so there would be more money to create jobs but unemployment continued to go up. We should be complaining about that. Jobs continue to be shipped overseas and to Mexico and the companies call that profit. We should complain about that. CEOs, Wall Street and Big Oil continue to have record profit but the wages of others stay flat. We should complain about that. Hedge Fund people pay 15 to 18% in taxes on 100s of millions of dollars. We should complain about that.

It’s like when people are complaining about voter fraud because 1 or 2 people were caught outside their district voting and by the way it is very rare. We don’t say a word while a very organized group is committing election fraud. Go online and see just how easy it is to steal an election. They get us to fight amongst ourselves over the little things while they do the big things.

I only write this stuff because I believe there are more of us WITH compassion than there are those without it. WE have to be heard. You see what happened when President O’bama was elected. It scared people so much that they formed the Tea Party. They thought their country was being taken away from them.

Compassion is being taken away from the government. I don’t mind paying taxes as long as it is used to educate the children, take care of the poor and defend the country. Those three things I feel the government is obligated to do. I know there are more but I put those at the top of MY list. Only after obligations have been met should tax breaks be given. Anyone that cuts social programs while giving tax breaks should be impeached. I feel that TAX BREAK is a way of saying we have money left over.

Maybe I have too much compassion for others and I am missing something. Let me know what you think.


  1. I can see where you're coming from but at that same time, we can't do everything for everyone. I have tons of compassion but always common sense. I don't believe some things should be cut but I do think that future entitlements need to be looked at closely. We just can't afford to be everything for everyone. Like unemployment, it's crazy that some people can get up to 73 weeks of benefits. I agree that help is needed but come on 73 weeks is a bit much. Their are jobs to be had, they might now pay what you like or were use to but it's a job. We have gotten so use to help that we have become in my opinion, rather week.

  2. Randy - Blog ownerAugust 1, 2011 at 3:36 PM

    I agree that 73 week is a long time. Maybe there are job to be had. Unemployment is high because there are too many job? I don't know what the answer is to the jobs deal. If I knew how to create 10 million jobs I would do it today. My bigger point is why do we look to cut programs that help our fellow citizens and ignore the assistance we give to big business not to mention other countries. I'm not saying we sould not look at those programs. I just think they should be further down the line.

    We can exsist without big business but big business can not exsist without us.

  3. The govt needs to make it harder for companies to take their jobs overseas. Gone are the does of "Made in the USA", we use to make some very good products. When we do things, we just plain do it better but big business doesn't want to pay because it would cut into their profit margin.I'm not liking the idea of cuts either but we can't keep going at this pace. We need to redo the tax code big time. I see no reason why someone on govt assistance that pays no or very little in taxes, can get back a $5000.00 return! I taxes were done as they were meant to be, no would get back a reture or at least not that much. I'd give up a refund if i knew that it would help the govt to better take care of it's business.
