Friday, April 6, 2012

Zimmerman vs Martin

I’ve been debating writing about the Trayvon Martin case and decided to go on and get it off my mind. I don’t think anyone reading this will not have heard about George Zimmerman killing Trayvon Martin in Florida. As with everything in this country we are divided by politics. Like most things that I write, I’m speaking in general. The people on the LEFT think it is murder and Zimmerman should be in jail. The people on the Right think Martin attacked Zimmerman and the killing was justified.

It should not be a surprise to anyone that there is another divide along the race line. I do see the RACE line but I think it is a BIGGER line with politics. History has a lot to do with the way we think. Every person’s history is different and because of that we think differently. I don’t think anyone would argue that point. That’s just the way it is.

My thoughts on the case are that I’m waiting on all of the facts to come out. Both sides are saying things that may not hold up to fact checking. From what I have read, I think Zimmerman should be held on manslaughter charges. I wonder if the fact that his dad was a judge is what is keeping him out of jail. I would compare this case to the O.J. case here in Las Vegas. He took the law into his own hands when he should have waited on the cops. Zimmerman was told to stand down and he ignored the police and someone was killed by his hands. O.J. is in jail for the same thing and he was not even carrying the gun. No one was killed by his hands and he is in jail. Maybe he is in jail because of that thing I called HISTORY.

History is the thing that makes black people see the injustice with this case. Because of HISTORY black people feel that we are not always treated equally in the justice system. Also in this country you get the best defense you can afford. That’s the legal system that we have and that is another story. I don’t want to get off topic.

Zimmerman never should have gotten near Martin because he was told not to chase him. Let’s look at it this way. Say I had some stuff stolen from me and I was in my car and thought I saw my stuff in someone’s garage. I called the police and told them where my things were and that a guy was in the garage with them. The police tell me to stay in my car and they are on the way. When the police arrive I am in the garage and the guy is dead. I say he attacked me so I had to defend myself with a gunshot. What do you think should happen to me?

By killing Martin, Zimmerman guarantees only his story is told. Don’t get me wrong, I am very pro guns. I’m getting one because there are too many people out there like Zimmerman. You have to protect yourself from people like him.