Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Religion in Politics

This is something that has bothered me for a long time. Not because I have a problem with religion because I don’t. I consider myself a Christian. I have a problem with the use of religion in politics. Let me start off saying that I don’t expect people to be perfect because I know for a fact that I am not. I have a problem with people that call themselves Christians and expect others to be perfect while they are not. I have a problem with people that gather lots of money and power while turning their backs on the poor and the sick saying “I am a Christian”. If I remember the bible correctly that is not the way Jesus did things.

I have a problem with ANY politician using religion in their quest for office. It is a defense that you can’t really fight. They could be Satan worshipers for all we know. GOD allows evil people to govern so that his people will turn to him. Just because people say that they are Christians doesn’t make it so. Anyone can say that they are Christians and followers of Christ but not all can walk the walk. I find it hard to believe that Jesus would end social services to the poor in order to give more to the rich or to fund wars. That is what the Tea Party would have you believe.

Why bring religion into this at all is what I can’t understand. If GOD wants them in office and that is why they are running, they will win. They are there to do GOD’s will and they don’t need to tell us about it. We will support them because we like what they are doing not why they are doing it. We go to church to get the word of GOD not our elected official. They can’t talk about the separation between church and state while preaching from their elected office. The problem is that's what too many of them are doing.

Many wars have been fought using religion as the weapon. The people behind the wars only seek to gain power and wealth. They use the devotion people have to their religion to get them to do ungodly things. We have religions fighting religions mostly because they disagree over who is in second place. Most if not all religions believe that GOD is at the top and in control but they differ about the number two spot, being Jesus or Muhammad or whoever. It is just insane seeing people kill each other about second place. It is also insane watching people being used with their religion when you can tell by the action of those in charge that it is all a lie.

I am going to try to leave Rick Perry alone but not yet. He has been the Governor of Texas for many years but didn’t decide to have a call to prayer until he was running for President.

Michele Bachmann didn’t tell us that God wanted her to marry the gay guy (not that there is anything wrong with that) she just did it. She didn’t tell us that GOD wanted her to go to law school she just did it. Why did she have to tell us that he wanted her to run for political office?

I believe that evil is out there and that we should not do anything to help it gain power. Are they walking the walk? Acts 5:29 says "We must obey God rather than human beings"

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another Texan

On Saturday Gov. Rick Perry from the Great State of Texas will announce that he is running for President of the United States of America. I have nothing against Texas except that they seem to be starting a trend of getting rid of their crazy Governors by sending them to Washington D.C. like they did with George W. Bush. Now they want to get rid of Rick Perry. Why can’t they just recall him or not reelect him like other states.

I have several friends in and from Texas. I like the state very much because it gave me my wife. I was stationed in San Antonio for 9 years and loved it. The people were very nice. I remember having a flat tire once while I was there and it took a long time because I kept stopping to tell people that I didn’t need any help. Like everywhere Texas has its crazy racist people too. Let’s just leave it at that. I think I have already told that story before somewhere in my writings.

Mr. Perry is too much like former President W. Bush. They seem to be proud of their ignorance. He has said that Texas has the right to secede from the union if it wanted to do so. Now I’m not a constitutional scholar or anything like that but I thought the civil war was fought to settle the issue of secession. Texas did have the right to break into more states but not to secede from the union. Mr. Perry should know that and I believe he does. I think he is playing to his mouth breathing base. What is sad is that the knuckle draggers don’t know it.

I found a video on You Tube of what Mr. Perry said and thought I would share it with you.

It is not hard to find this information about secession in the 21st century. Let me show you what else I found.


I am not the smartest guy around and if I can find this in just a few minutes then I know Mr. Perry can do the same. I think he is just stoking the fear his base has and trying to use that fear to get into the White House.

Come on Texas don't do this to us again. George W. Bush was enough.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Why I write

I was asked recently why I write this blog. My answer was as I have said before “to get it off my chest”. Another reason is because I watch way too much news and I am home alone and this is my way of talking back. I heard someone say “people don’t drown because the water is too deep; they drown because they stop kicking”. This is one way that I kick.

I know sometimes I write about some sensitive subjects and some people prefer that I didn’t. I have a gay friend that thinks I need a body guard. He doesn’t like to be called gay because he is really bisexual but I call him gay anyway. That is an inside joke and I just felt the need to put it in here. Either way I write about what is on my mind and sometimes I am reacting to what is in the news that day.

Today I am complaining about the amount of money in politics. Last night they had recall elections in Wisconsin. They are reporting that between 30 and 40 million dollars was spent in that election. That is insane. I have never heard of that kind of money being spent on a state election. They are saying that most of the money was from out of state. The question is why? Why is the state senate election important? The answer is unions. I am a union supporter but not the multi-company unions. Like anything I think some companies are too big and the same goes for unions. That is just my take on unions.

There is nothing to stop me from getting too big because I have rights and thanks to the Supreme Court the same goes for companies. They say companies have the same rights as people. WHAT? Those rights include allowing them run election ads. Well I will let you read for yourself.


This is insane. This has nothing to do with parties but everything to do with a Supreme Court that has been purchased. All three branches of our government are owned by multinational companies and they don’t really try to hide it. That is why I write.

Monday, August 1, 2011


I’m going to shift gears here and talk about something I think some of us are lacking and that is COMPASSION. I’m not talking about anyone in particular so don’t start emailing me because you think I am talking about you because I am not. If you feel guilty then look in the mirror and evaluate what you see.

The Government continues to cut money from social program like Medicare and education. There is only so much money to go around. When money is being taken from one program it is being moved to another. I think it was in 2003 when then President W. Bush cut taxes from 39% down to 35%. That is all good if he felt like the government was bringing in too much money. President O’bama has continued the same policy as if the government is bringing in too much money. My problem is the cutting of programs. Why does the government continue to cut money from programs like Medicare and Pell Grants? Maybe it is because those people don’t have influence in the White House. Social Security is in their crosshairs. They are working on a way to sell it to the public. Mark my words.

They can do this because too many of us don’t have compassion for those that have so little. We seem to feel like as long as it doesn’t affect my family then I don’t care. We complain because we see someone in the grocery store with food stamps getting a T-bone steak when WE feel that they should be getting ground beef or no meat at all. Rather than view that as the exception to the rule we view it as the rule. I don’t believe people on food stamps are eating steaks every day. I also don’t think that because someone buys a steak they should be removed from the program. Now, do I believe there are people out there abusing the program? Yes I do. I don’t think there is a program out there that is not being abused by someone.

The same goes for tax breaks. I don’t think all tax breaks are being used the way they were intended. They said they were reducing tax rates so there would be more money to create jobs but unemployment continued to go up. We should be complaining about that. Jobs continue to be shipped overseas and to Mexico and the companies call that profit. We should complain about that. CEOs, Wall Street and Big Oil continue to have record profit but the wages of others stay flat. We should complain about that. Hedge Fund people pay 15 to 18% in taxes on 100s of millions of dollars. We should complain about that.

It’s like when people are complaining about voter fraud because 1 or 2 people were caught outside their district voting and by the way it is very rare. We don’t say a word while a very organized group is committing election fraud. Go online and see just how easy it is to steal an election. They get us to fight amongst ourselves over the little things while they do the big things.

I only write this stuff because I believe there are more of us WITH compassion than there are those without it. WE have to be heard. You see what happened when President O’bama was elected. It scared people so much that they formed the Tea Party. They thought their country was being taken away from them.

Compassion is being taken away from the government. I don’t mind paying taxes as long as it is used to educate the children, take care of the poor and defend the country. Those three things I feel the government is obligated to do. I know there are more but I put those at the top of MY list. Only after obligations have been met should tax breaks be given. Anyone that cuts social programs while giving tax breaks should be impeached. I feel that TAX BREAK is a way of saying we have money left over.

Maybe I have too much compassion for others and I am missing something. Let me know what you think.