Thursday, April 17, 2014

Bundy vs. The Feds

Recently there was a stand-off between the Cliven Bundy family with support from Right Wing Militia members vs. the Federal Government. According to reports Mr. Bundy has been grazing his 500 head of cattle on Government land for over 20 years without paying grazing fees.
From what I have read, Mr. Bundy says he was paying the fees but stopped in the early 90s because the Government wasn’t assisting in the upkeep of their part of the land. He said the fees he was paying was to go for the salaries of the Forrest Rangers and the maintenance of the Government part of the land. Mr. Bundy said the Government wasn’t maintaining the property and therefore he was no longer paying the fees. 

After Mr. Bundy stopped paying the Government took him to court to collect what was owed. As I understand it, he was sued 3 times and he lost every time and was told he owed $1.2 million. Mr. Bundy ignored the ruling and continued to allow his cattle to graze on Federal land without paying the fees.

The Government rounded up his cattle while they were on Federal land and the Bundy family along with members of Right Wing Militia all armed with side arms and rifles went to get his cattle back. That is when a heated confrontation began. 

Naturally since this involves the Federal Government where Democrats are in charge Fox (NOT) News must take the side of the opposition. The location is Nevada and is the state of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Fox (NOT) News is helping to float a made up story about Senator Reid wanting to push the Bundy family off their land so he can build a solar farm with the Chinese. Even though the story has been proven to be false Fox continues to push it. 

The confrontation got heated and the Bundy group seemed to be ready to die. They were recorded saying they were going to put women up front so that the Government could be filmed killing them.

Not wanting to kill a bunch of crazy people, the Feds backed down and released the cattle. The Bundy group claimed victory and Fox (NOT) News was sad. Fox wanted to see shoot out so they could blame Sen. Reid and President Obama. 

NOW, Mr. Bundy says he is refusing to pay the fees because he doesn’t recognize the Federal Government as owners of the land he uses. He says the land belongs to the State of Nevada and therefore he should not have to pay the $1.35 per head each month grazing fee to the Federal Government.
This has gotten to be longer than I wanted so let me end saying this. Mr. Bundy is another Right Wing freeloader. If the land he is using belonged to the state of Nevada he would be paying over $15 a head in grazing fees and would owe close to $20 million instead of $1.2 million to the Feds. This guy doesn’t want to pay anything. He wants it all for free.

Fox (NOT) News is promoting this wealthy rancher that is freeloading off of the Federal Government, who is basically refusing to pay his taxes, and making him out to be some sort of patriotic hero. Then that same fake news station is calling the poor people that collect any assistance from the government, a drain on the system and not worthy news coverage. 

Tell me where I am wrong.

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