Thursday, March 21, 2013

Ten Years Later

Ten years ago President George W. Bush and his administration told us that we had to invade Iraq because Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. They used the aftermath of 9/11 to convince us that Saddam was going to use those weapons against America. The Bush Administration used the words “mushroom cloud” and “WMDs” at every opportunity. They said “we must fight them over there so we don’t have to fight them over here.” Those were their talking points and they repeated them endlessly. The problem was none of it was true and they knew it. It was all ONE BIG DECEPTION.
The Bush Administration and the Republican Party used our patriotism against us. If you didn’t support their actions then you were being unpatriotic. You were not supporting the troops. You were not an American. The media didn’t do their jobs investigating the claims that were being made by the Bush Administration. They let us down and as a result over 4,000 U.S. troops have been killed, over 32,000 injured and estimated 108,000 Iraqi civilians killed. There is also an estimated 15 million displaced Iraqi people. This is the same party that is OUTRAGED because 4 Americans were killed in Benghazi. This war has cost America more than 3 trillion dollars. Money the Bush Administration said would come from Iraqi oil. They said the war would only take about 18 months but it lasted 9 years and some Republicans wanted it to continue.

The Bush Administration lied us into an unjust war. They knowingly presented false information to Congress (a felony) to get them to authorize his use of military force. Just a side note, Congress impeached President Clinton for lying about a blowjob. There are people from the Bush Administration on record saying Bush and Cheney only wanted information to link Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. They didn’t want any information that would contradict what they wanted. They told the FBI and the CIA to find the connection. They wanted this war and nothing was going to stop them.  There are even unclassified records from November 2001 that states that the Bush Administration had plans to invade Iraq. They planned to justify starting the war by disputing WMD inspections. They doctored the evidence they were given and took us to war. Things that were possible were presented as fact.
When we talk about things the Bush Administration did wrong I would be remiss if I didn’t mention torture. It is against international law to torture someone and that was something this country used to agree with. Now I’m not so sure. We cannot be a nation of laws and then turn our backs on those same laws when times get bad. Imagine what the world would be like if everyone did that. Every day is a bad day for someone. Laws exist for a reason and should be followed, always.

President Bush and most of his Administration are criminals. The same goes for President Reagan with Iran Contra and his intervention in delaying the Iran hostages release under President Carter. The same goes for President Nixon with his intervention in extending the Vietnam War under LBJ. These guys are criminals and should be viewed as such. The people that support Republicans and their criminal actions later cry foul on Benghazi. Give me a break. They care NOTHING about human life. The only thing they care about is MONEY and POWER.

It’s been ten years and there is still time to do the right thing and prosecute Bush and his administration before they rewrite history. Well that’s my opinion on ten years later.

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