Friday, November 30, 2012

Jordan Davis

I’m not seeing much about Jordan Davis on the news. I heard about him on Monday and was shocked. A 17 year old black kid was gunned down by a 45 year old white man in the parking lot of a convenience store. This is what happens when people walk around with guns. At some point one of these gun nuts are going to approach someone else with a gun. When that happens there will be a shoot-out and innocent people may be hurt. I’m saying all of this as a gun owner. My wife and I went out about a month ago and got guns because these folks are getting too bold.
I don’t know if this was a hate crime. I see nothing to indicate that it was. What I do believe is that the lives of “Black Men” are of lesser value to many people walking the street. The legal system will not punish you as hard if the person you kill is a Black Man. Maybe I see this through different glasses than the rest of you, I don’t know. It bothers me that this guy could even formulate the idea that his actions were okay. Then to drive off and go back to his hotel room as if he had done nothing wrong. They were just Black Kids that I shot at. No big deal. His lawyer even said that “there were four black men in the car” as if that was some type of qualifier.

I’m not going to go on and on about this one. I will just post this video and you can see for yourself. This “Stand Your Ground” bullshit needs to end.

As always your comments are welcomed.


  1. Where oh where to begin? The media consistently (to a fault) always make a bigger deal about the (quite rare, when you look at the numbers) incidents where there is a black victim and a white perpertrator. (Sometimes even falsely reporting a "perpertrator" is white when he's not...see the Travon/Zimmerman case, Zimmerman was actually Hispanic, but most journalists saw the last name and just assumed). Looking at numbers from 2009 there were pretty much double the Black vs White murders than White vs Black murders.
    Now any murder is a terrible tragedy for that family, so I'm not trying to trivialize any murder, just point out the ridiculously politically motivated media coverage (or lack here of).
    As for the "gun nuts", who does that portray? Law abiding citizens who purchase their firearms legally, go to a course to be able to legally carry (or you could say "bare") their legal firearm, and do so with much more knowledge and training than the common criminal who may purchase a firearm anywhere through less than legal means, and doesn't give a damn about breaking he relative minor law of carrying illegally while committing much more serious crimes? Or are you referring to career criminals who beg, borrow, steal any gun with not the slightest thought of any laws they are breaking as the "gun nuts"
    And finally, with 93% of Black murders being committed by Black males, why isn't there more grandstanding by the Rev Al Sharptons of the world about those cases? Does it make it easier for the mother of dead Black child if the murderer was Black? Of course not, yet we almost never hear much about that...
    Ok, that's enough for now, going to try and post a link o an interesting read in a second, but I'll post his first.

    1. I don't think that this boils down in any stretch of the imagination to guns or color (although they obviously play a huge part and factor in more times than not). To me this is simple, if you feel you have the right to approach a free citizen of the United States because you feel their music is "too loud", you are WRONG! Call the cops and make a noise complaint for public nuisance and by all means include the license number and a description of the vehicle...then go about the business of making your purchase. The real question is, would he have approached a car full of ANYONE if he didn't have that gun? Did he think the young men were going to apologize and turn the volume down? In the simplest of terms, he forced a confrontation which resulted in the death of a U.S. citizen, and conequently fled the scene of a murder/crime. How intelligent or stupid would we have to be to see or not see this for what it is. A young man is dead because the music was too loud in a vehicle that he wasn't even operating. Even if they found a weapon in the vehicle, this guy still had no business approaching the vehicle, wait, unless he was prepared to affect a citizen's arrest for a misdemeanor (public nuisance). I feel the simplest litmus test on this one has to be, "would any of US have approached the vehicle? Thanks RR. Would you approach Jeb?

    2. I know we covered most of this over the phone but I said I would post a reply.

      I looked at the web site you linked and it is very right wing and don’t know if I can trust what they post. The fact that they believe that The President is not a legal citizen makes ME not take them seriously. Still I read what they wrote and what they had to say did have some truth to it. As I understand it, there are more violent crimes committed by blacks against whites than the other way around. In most cases those crimes are drug related. Not that it makes it any better but just want some context. This joke of a war on drugs is causing people their lives and lots of pain. It is also keeping the prisons full.

      That still has NOTHING to do with my point. This guy pulled a GUN out and fired it at a group of people (killing one) then went back to his hotel room and the next day went back home. He acted as if it was all good. Like the unknown poster asked, would he have approached them if he didn’t have a gun? If blacks are as violent towards whites as you say then that was even more reason to leave them alone. That is more of a side note. The MAIN point was; what made him think he had the right to approach those kids? You know the answer. He had a GUN and (for me) they were black. The victim’s race made it personal for ME and that is why I posted it. As for the Rev Sharptons, I believe they get involved in issues involving Civil Rights. If it becomes a national story he will be there along with lots of others. Also I would like to see where you got your 93% from. I find that hard to believe and I do know numbers can be manipulated.

      Now for Mr. Zimmerman. First thing is he is NOT Hispanic. His dad is white and is mom is Hispanic so that makes him biracial. I would say the media said he was white because he looks white. I would say that the media calls The President black because he looks black. That has always been the case for the media and people in general.

      Lastly, a “Gun Nut” is anyone that has several guns and commits crimes using those guns. That is MY definition and MINE alone.


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