I don’t write much about religion but this has been on my mind a lot lately and it also applies to politics. Far too often we take the word of our leaders and don’t question their motives enough. We turn a blind eye to their actions because they are our home team and wearing our uniform. We allow them to go against our values and beliefs because they say it is a just cause. No proof just their word. That should not be enough. We should question those in charge.
I’m going to use religion but it also applies to politics. If you are a Christian and believe in the teachings of Jesus then you should believe in peace and love for humanity. Jesus taught us to love each other and to be peaceful. Even when they came to take him and he knew he would die he was still nonviolent. Even as he was dying he asked GOD to forgive them. That is what I was taught and that is what I believe.
Since Jesus died on the cross for our sins there have been many wars fought in his name. How can people go out and kill others in his name when he preached love and peace? The answer is Evil. If you believe in GOD who is good then you must believe in Satan who is evil. The bible teaches that evil is at work 24/7 and never takes any time off. It is always trying to gain more and more influence over us. I think the easiest way to do that is to get in positions of authority. In those positions large numbers of people can be told to do things that go against the teachings of Jesus.
One would think that if Christians are told to do things that go against what Jesus has said is the right thing to do there would be a revolt. I think most people would go along. They would go along because as long as they believe the person telling them what to do is on their team or is wearing the uniform of their home team they will follow.
The Pope can say go to war because GOD said to do it and no questions are asked. He is the home team. The President can say the same thing with the same response because he is the home team. If you question them you are a nonbeliever or unpatriotic.
If Satan was to get elected President how many Christians do you think would follow him? Even though he was clearly going against the Constitution many would still follow him. If Satan were to get in charge of a church or a group of churches and was leading the congregation in doing things that goes against the teachings of Jesus many would follow.
I look at all the wars fought in the name of GOD from the Christian Crusades to the Settlement of Israel and I have to ask myself if Satan had a hand in any of it. Does GOD need us to kill each other to get his work done or does it make Satan happy. Look at all the miracles GOD has performed from parting the sea to raising the dead. I find it hard to believe he needs us to kill each other but I think it works for Satan.
Just because a person holds an office or position doesn’t mean they are perfect and without fault. Never assume a person is on your team just because they are wearing the uniform. Also look at what they are doing and be sure their actions match your beliefs.
Evil never takes a day off.
Howdy Brother!
ReplyDeleteSatan's job is to separate us from the glory of the LORD by any means necessary - and he does his job well, he and the other fallen angels. If you remember from Sunday school lessons and church from our childhood Satan used the Word during the temptation of Christ. If he did that for Jesus what makes us think we are not vulnerable? We tend to believe those movies where the slick actor outsmarts the devil! Yeah - right!
I had to counsel one of my charges about wanting to discuss a Christian subject with our director. Out Director keep a bible on his credenza so it's visible when you are in his office. From previous council with the Director I had to tell my charge just because you see that bible doesn't mean he has the same understanding or believe the same as you! That's true for all of us. We need to be strong for Christ but not lose sight of where GOD has please us. Like you and your blog!
Keep up the good work!