Thursday, August 11, 2011

Another Texan

On Saturday Gov. Rick Perry from the Great State of Texas will announce that he is running for President of the United States of America. I have nothing against Texas except that they seem to be starting a trend of getting rid of their crazy Governors by sending them to Washington D.C. like they did with George W. Bush. Now they want to get rid of Rick Perry. Why can’t they just recall him or not reelect him like other states.

I have several friends in and from Texas. I like the state very much because it gave me my wife. I was stationed in San Antonio for 9 years and loved it. The people were very nice. I remember having a flat tire once while I was there and it took a long time because I kept stopping to tell people that I didn’t need any help. Like everywhere Texas has its crazy racist people too. Let’s just leave it at that. I think I have already told that story before somewhere in my writings.

Mr. Perry is too much like former President W. Bush. They seem to be proud of their ignorance. He has said that Texas has the right to secede from the union if it wanted to do so. Now I’m not a constitutional scholar or anything like that but I thought the civil war was fought to settle the issue of secession. Texas did have the right to break into more states but not to secede from the union. Mr. Perry should know that and I believe he does. I think he is playing to his mouth breathing base. What is sad is that the knuckle draggers don’t know it.

I found a video on You Tube of what Mr. Perry said and thought I would share it with you.

It is not hard to find this information about secession in the 21st century. Let me show you what else I found.


I am not the smartest guy around and if I can find this in just a few minutes then I know Mr. Perry can do the same. I think he is just stoking the fear his base has and trying to use that fear to get into the White House.

Come on Texas don't do this to us again. George W. Bush was enough.

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