Wednesday, June 3, 2009


These are my personal views of what is killing, in my opinion the greatest nation to ever grace this planet. This started out as a book then I decided to just post it on line for free. I concider myself very conservative in my beliefs and very liberal in implementation of policy.

I often hear people talk about the “good old days”; “If we could go back to the 1940’s, 50’s or 60’s; when the country was unified”. I agree with them to a point. Those were the good old days if you were a white person living in the United Sates of America. The nation was more united. One person could work and support a family, leaving usually the mother to raise the children as they saw fit. During times of war the country came together and sacrificed to support the troops and government. It was as if the country went to war and you trusted the political leader to make decisions based on what was best for the country. Now it seems as if corporate America has major influence in the decisions made in Washington DC. Now it is what is best for the company not the country. Corporate America has purchased this county and I don’t think they will ever sell it back to the people. During the times previously mentioned, I believe the companies had the interest of the workers in mind equal to profit.

There was a parent home with the children giving them constant nurturing, love and guidance. Kids were outside playing and learning social skills. You knew and had some sort of interaction with most of your neighbors. Neighbors looked out for each others property and children. It was like an extended family. There was a respect the children had for their parents and adults in general. The children knew that if they did something wrong in the neighborhood or school and an adult saw them, they would tell their parents. The combination of fear of getting caught and the disappointment the parents would feel kept most of us in line. You knew that if an adult said you did something your parents would believe them. Somewhere between then and now some psych professional convinced the American public that children don’t lie. That gave the children lots of power. Power that I feel they are too young and immature to deal with. Children know when they are in trouble and will lie to get out of it. Some children like attention the same as some adults and will lie to get it.

Politics was not as cut throat as it is today. The best interest of the country was paramount. The people of the country mattered. There was a clear separation between church and state. The church had the bible as its guide and government had the constitution. These books were followed and the two didn’t mix. Now some churches will interpret passages from the bible to suit their agenda and ignore the passages that go against the same agenda. Politicians do the same with the constitution. They will find what they call loopholes to go against the spirit of the law to suit their needs. Our legal system is the best on the planet but it is deeply flawed. “Why do we need defense lawyers?”, because our system is flawed, and should be questioned. I question everything.

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