Friday, October 4, 2013

The Government Shutdown

On October 1st the Republicans shut down the U.S. Government. That is not a good thing but the Republicans, some of them, are as happy as they can be. From what I have seen, there is no limit to what they will do to bring down or to hurt the Presidency of Barack Obama. There is no way to tell if it is because he is a Democrat or if it is because he is black.

What I do know is because Republicans are not getting their way they are upset and have shut down the Government. They are acting like spoiled children. There are a group of Republicans from the Tea Party that want to defund the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare. Obamacare was passed, signed into law and upheld by the Supreme Court. Despite all of that, Republicans want to kill it. They shut down the Government because President Obama will not let them have their way. They are saying it is Obama’s fault that everything is closed when they are the ones that shut the doors. They say one thing then do another.

Rep. Randy Neugebauer, a Republican from Texas, was asked by Chad Hasty on a radio show on 1 October. “How long are you prepared to leave the Government shutdown?” He said “as long as it takes, Chad, because this is an important issue.” It was his actions that closed the Government. It was his and the Tea Party’s unwillingness to accept defeat on Obamacare that closed the Government. They act as if they can’t understand that they can’t win everything.

Rep. Neugebauer then on 3 October went and got in the face of a Park Ranger, insulting her for doing her job and using her for publicity. He should ashamed of himself for what he did to this woman, who was simply doing her job. She was basically carrying out the orders that he issued and he insulted her for doing it. I was happy to see the one guy that tried to stand up for her.




This shutdown is costing the American people a lot of money. According to The New York Times, the shutdown is costing us around $300 million a day. That’s money the Republicans and the Tea Party always say we don’t have. They say all the time that we can’t afford to spend money on Education and other social programs. Then they turn around and waste money like this.

This is what happens when we have Tea Party Republicans in Government. They were campaigning on shutting the Government down. They get in office and shut it down then blame President Obama and the Democrats for closing it.  These people do care about the American people or the Government. They want to cripple the Government and destroy President Obama. I believe they are so blinded by their hatred for President Obama that nothing else matters to them.  They are forcing us to go where we have never been before.

They are refusing to raise the Debt Ceiling of around $16.7 Trillion which has a deadline of 17 October. If this deadline is not met it could send the country in default and that has NEVER been done. No one really knows what will happen when or if the U.S. Government defaults on its debts. This will be unchartered territory if the country is FORCED to default. Republicans are saying they are willing to send the country over the default cliff unless the President agrees to make changes to Obamacare. The question now is will President Obama stand up to them?

No one else will say it but I will. The Tea Party is a Terrorist Organization and should be treated as such. Ted Cruz and Randy Neugebauer, along with other Tea Party members, are by definition terrorist and inside the Government. They should be treated like enemy combatants attempting to bring down the U.S. Government.

They are doing this because President Obama had the nerve to help the poor and sick people that could not get insurance. They like to hold up copies of the Constitution but they refuse to READ IT. They like to call themselves Christians but they refuse to act like it. They should try reading the bible. The bible says we should help the poor and the sick. It says we are judged by our actions.


James 2:14   Dear brothers, what's the use of saying that you have faith and are Christians if you aren't proving it by helping others? Will that kind of faith save anyone? James 2:15 If you have a friend who is in need of food and clothing, James 2:16 and you say to him, "Well, good-bye and God bless you; stay warm and eat hearty," and then don't give him clothes or food, what good does that do?  James 2:17 So you see, it isn't enough just to have faith. You must also do good to prove that you have it. Faith that doesn't show itself by good works is no faith at all--it is dead and useless.  James 2:18  But someone may well argue, "You say the way to God is by faith alone, plus nothing; well, I say that good works are important too, for without good works you can't prove whether you have faith or not; but anyone can see that I have faith by the way I act."  James 2:19 Are there still some among you who hold that "only believing" is enough? Believing in one God? Well, remember that the demons believe this too--so strongly that they tremble in terror!  James 2:20 Fool! When will you ever learn that "believing" is useless without doing what God wants you to? Faith that does not result in good deeds is not real faith.

There is nothing about the actions of the Tea Party Republicans that match “my” understanding of the bible.

These Tea Party Republicans are not Patriots, as they like to call themselves, they are TERRORIST. They need to understand that the Affordable Care act (Obamacare)……… IS………. THE……. LAW.