Thursday, August 22, 2013

Where's The Outrage

Let me start this off by saying, like most of the people on the left, I believe that Ted Cruz is a U.S. citizen. I have not heard anyone on the left speaking out in opposition to the legitimacy of his citizenship. The few people that I have heard say anything about it are saying the same type of things like I am about to say. Where is the OUTRAGE from those on the right?

When President Obama was first elected, the Tea Party Republicans were almost foaming at the mouth about his birth certificate. They were saying “He was not born in this country, he was born in Kenya.” They said he was not a citizen because he was not born in this country. They argued that even though his mother was a citizen he was not because he was not born here. They demanded to see President Obama’s birth certificate because it would PROVE that he was not born here. Once the President posted his birth certificate online they said that wasn’t the right form. They wanted to see the long form version not the short one. After he posted the long form version they then said it was a fake. Fox (NOT) News even had experts on showing how the documents could have been forged. There were so many of them and they were so loud that they were given a nick name, The Birthers.

It is funny how things come back to bite you in the ass. The Birthers would pretend to be upset when anyone said that the REAL reason they were against President Obama was because of his race. They would accuse the left of race baiting. Now they have one of their own gearing up to run for President in 2016, Senator Ted Cruz. Senator Cruz is an outspoken Tea Party favorite who was born in Calgary, Canada. He also produced his short form birth certificate but there was no OUTRAGE. Like President Obama Senator Cruz’s father was foreign born. Unlike President Obama, Senator Cruz really WAS born in another country as stated on his short form birth certificate.

If it was not about race then where is the OUTRAGE from the Birthers. The number 1 problem they pretended to have with President Obama was that he was not born in America (even though he really was). Senator Cruz is unable to pass the bar the Tea Party set for President Obama but they support him anyway. If it was not about race then why not hold Senator Cruz to the same standard they held President Obama to. I’ll give you one guess. They kept saying they were not racist but the rest of America knew the truth. If it was not about race then what was it about? They don’t want to be called racist but they act like racist. If it was not about race then why was the guy born in America (Hawaii) considered foreign and the guy born in another country (Canada) considered American.

Where is the OUTRAGE from the Tea Party and the Birthers? You don’t hear it because Senator Cruz looks like them. It was never about anything other than race. I know people that tried to defend the Tea Party and Birthers, saying that it wasn’t about race and that Obama should just show his birth certificate and school records and get it over with. I wrote a blog post called “Obama’s Papers” where I said he should not show anything. I’m not going to put anyone one the spot but I wonder if those people that defended the Birthers before still think it was not about race. I wonder if they still think the Birthers are not racist. They should just fly the confederate flag and be proud of who they are. Stop trying to hiding who you are. We can clearly see you.