Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Good Cause

I didn't think of this until someone suggested it to me a few minutes ago. This is not the normal stuff I put on my blog but this is for a good cause.

There is a young lady that works with my wife that recently got divorced. Shortly after her divorce her father died. She is the type of person that puts on the strong face but you can see that inside she is hurting. I know there is nothing that we can do to take the pain away. It just has to run it's course. What we can do is to try to bring her a little joy. If we can win this for her the winner gets a photo session with their dog. I know it is not much but we think she would really like it a lot.

That is where you come in. Some of you have already voted. I called you or contacted you thru Facebook. I asked you to share the picture on Facebook and ask your friend to LIKE the picture too. The numbers did go up but not enough. I believe a lot of people clicked "Like" under the picture on Facebook without clicking on the actual picture. That doesn't count. In order for the vote to "count" you must click on the picture and open it up. Once the picture is open then you click "like" under the picture and my wife gets credit for your vote.

I want to thank some of you that shared the photo on Facebook and asked your friends to "Like" it. People like Lee, Herb, Diana, Christy (CT), Tracee, Shantonie, Kevin and Al. I know I left some people out and I'm sorry but I'm kinda rushed right now.

I'm asking everyone to check to see if they have voted by clicking on this link. If your vote has not been counted picture should have "unlike" under it. If your vote has not been counted the picture should have "like" under it. I'm not sure if you have to have a Facebook account to vote. Just click on the link under the picture of my dog. His name is Duce and no you can't have him :-)

Please forward my blog to as many of your friends as you can and ask them to vote. This post is not political for a change. This is something that is not red or blue. Thanks for reading all of this and please help us help her.

Please click right here on Facebook link for Duce to "Like" his photo. We need your vote.