Monday, August 27, 2012

Why O'bama?

So much stuff in the news to talk about but I am going to stay with the election. The Republican National Convention is in Tampa this week and that has me asking myself, why Obama?

Why should I give Obama four more years? I can’t say for sure that another four years will make a difference. What I can say is that I don’t think it is fair to give President Bush eight years to make a mess, as I see it, then give President O’bama only four years to fix it. Now if you don’t think President Bush made a mess then you should vote for Romney. The thing is these past almost four years have not been easy for The President. Before President O’bama even took office The Republican Party leaders had already decided that they were not going to work with him. They said “our #1 priority is to make O’bama a 1 term President”. They have done everything in their power to meet their objective. They have not worked with him but they have certainly worked against him.  They worked and continue to work against him not because they think his ideas are wrong, but because the ideas are approved by him.  

Some of the things he approved were their ideas and once he approved them they all of a sudden were against them. Things like, Carbon Tax and Health Care Mandates were Republican ideas before O’bama came along.  If you want to see more click here. This is a new type of politics that the Tea Party has presented to the nation. They appear to be saying “it’s our way or no way”. They don’t believe in compromise. They refused to raise the debt ceiling last year and when the nation’s credit rating was downgraded, the Republicans said it was The President’s fault. They refuse to let him get ANYTHING done, then turn around and blame him for NOT getting ANYTHING done. The problem with these new Tea Party Republicans is that I’m not sure if anyone can work with them. They are so far to the right that they appear to be politically suicidal and have no problem taking the rest of us with them.

I have a hard time blaming The President for not fixing in four years what it took eight years to create.  In 2010 the Tea Party came along and put the brakes on everything while screaming that nothing was getting done. I don’t know what O’bama could have done if they would have been willing to work with him. The problem is the Tea Party is still there. I don’t think Romney will stand up to them and get anything done either. I think he just wants to be President and will be happy just to get the job. He would be the happiest President that ever lived. I question if that is what we need.
I don’t pretend to know the answer to ANY questions about what is best for this country. Anyone that says they know would not be telling the truth. Unless they can see the future then they are guessing just like I’m doing. The things I want to see get done are based on the way I see the world and the direction I would like this country to go. At the end of the day it is still a guess at how to make it all happen. I realize that what is right for my life will not be right for the next person. The question should be how do we find some common ground? My fear is, for some of us there is no common ground. When you have that type of attitude you should not work in government. With more than 300 million people in this country you can’t have it your way.

I say President O’bama needs to fight for us. I’m willing to give him four more years to finish what he started. The stipulation I would add is that if he is not willing to stand up to the Republicans while they suppress voter rights, deny women their right to have an abortion, try to deregulate all things government, and kill the unions, then he doesn’t deserve a second term.

Friday, August 17, 2012


This is not my first time talking about voter suppression and probably will not be the last. You may not be familiar with Mike Turzai and what he and his fellow Republicans are doing in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania is just one of the states that THIS election year is going to require photo ID in order to cast your vote. They even admit that they don’t have ANY cases of voter fraud in the state but still wants to push this thru. There must be a reason.

Mike Turzai is a Republican member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives and has represented the 28th district since 2001. He is also the Majority Leader for the House.

Some people would say that it is a good idea to have voters show ID and I would bet these are people WITH ID. Mr. Turzai while speaking to a group of Republicans told the truth about what they are doing in his state. Proving they will and ARE doing whatever it takes to get President Obama out of office. If they have to cheat to do it then so be it.

Cheating was once something that people would try to hide but not anymore. Not only will they do it out in the open, now they will put it on video and list them. On 23 June of 2012 this is some of what Mr. Turzai had to say.

This is not the only place this is going on. Voter suppression is also going on in Ohio and Florida just to name a few. Democrats filed a lawsuit to block this law but a Federal Judge said that there was no proof that this law targeted anyone. Now Democrats have to try to get the word out to all the people this law is targeted to stop. There will be people showing up to vote that have no idea that the law has been changed. They will show up to cast their vote and will be turned away and not have time to get the NOW required ID  and return to exercise their right to vote.

These new groups of Republicans are determined to get what they want. If they can’t beat you fair and square they have no problem with CHEATING. Waiting until the voting year to make changes to the voting law IS CHEATING.