Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Democracy Injured

I thought about writing on this for a very long time. I had forgotten about it then I came across the video on YouTube. I looked it up on the Internet machine and as far as I can tell the story does check out to be true. If anyone finds it to be false PLEASE let me know. I hope that is is not true because it pains me to think that this could go on in the country but I know that it can.

There is something going on and I believe they are using different places to test what they want to do. If what is going on in Michigan is allowed to happen, I fear it will start to spread across the country. A part of me says, "This is America and this type of stuff doesn't happen here". I say that but at the same time I know that it can. We like to say that this country is special and I believe it is. It is not going to stay special if we don't stop this kind of stuff from happening.

and then there is part 2

This country is made up of all kinds of people. Conservative, Liberal, Moderate, Christian, Muslim, Atheist, Satanist and the list goes on and on. If ANY one group is allow to rule without check, there will be problems. If liberals were in charge and they were trying to do what these guys are doing, they would be wrong. You don't change the rules to favor your group. The field must always remain level so that it is fair to everyone. Anything else is cheating.

There will always be people in favor of cheating but it is up to the rest of us to be sure that it doesn't become the rule. Cheaters are here and they are not going anywhere. That's just the way it is. What is going on in Michigan is cheating and we can't stand for that.

I don't know if there is anything the Federal Government can do but if this is against federal law then they need to step in. This is just one of the illegal things going on at the Michigan Capital. In the weeks ahead I may post more. This is just crazy. What do you think?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Economy

This is a short post about the economy. Robert Reich is my favorite Economist and I came across this video on youtube and wanted to share it. It lays it all out and makes it easy to understand. If you like this then share it with others and if you don't then just forget about it.

The next video is also a short one, less than 3 minutes. It speaks about money in politics and as I'm sure you know there is a lot of it. I know there are some of you that are not in favor of "The Occupy" movement but I am. Since this is my blog I get to write about and support the things that I agree with. Check out this video.

As always if you want to leave a comment, have at it.