Thursday, March 8, 2012

Rush Limbaugh

I can’t say that I was surprised by what Rush Limbaugh said about Sandra Fluke. Mr. Limbaugh is against the young lady only because she is with President Obama on this issue. As I have said before, The Right, in this case Mr. Limbaugh, is against anything and everything the President is for. Rush is under fire for what he said on his radio show about Miss Fluke after she testified before Congress about birth control for women.

Rush attacked this woman for three days calling her a slut, prostitute, and suggesting the she should post videos of herself having sex for people to watch. He said that Miss Fluke wanted us (the public) to pay for her birth control. First, that is not what she said. What was being asked was for insurance companies to cover birth control. Second, she was talking about the other uses for contraception like ovarian cysts. He insulted this woman and lied about what she said. Making stuff up is not new for Mr. Limbaugh but he doesn’t usually take it this far.

Now I know that the leaders of the Republican Party are afraid of Mr. Limbaugh. They have groveled at his feet for a long time. If they say anything that he doesn’t agree with they will have to openly apologize to him. He acts as if he is President of the Republican Party and the leaders of the party treat him that way.

Now after public push back on Mr. Limbaugh’s comments about Miss Fluke advertisers have been pulling their ads from his show. Even after all this the leaders of the Republican Party are still afraid to condemn Mr. Limbaugh. They are trying to find ways to support him. The most they will say is that he used the wrong words. They are even saying that it is the President’s fault that all this is happening. How can we have people in elected office who are afraid of a radio show host? The things Mr. Limbaugh said about Miss Fluke are unacceptable. His comments were VILE and DESPICABLE.

I get saying things in the heat of the moment and sometimes going too far. I know sometimes lines are crossed. I don’t think someone should get fired because they crossed that line. The problem is that this went on for three days. There was plenty of time for him to calm down and think about what he said. He did not. When given the chance to issue an apology all he said was that he should not have used a couple of those words. Then went on to blame the left for what HE said. I for one would be ashamed to be a Republican with someone like Rush running my party leaders.

Bill Maher recently defended Rush. He is saying that Rush should not loose sponsors because of what he said. I watch Bill’s show, Real Time, on HBO every Friday night. I agree with most of what he says. I understand why he is defending Mr. Limbaugh. Mr. Maher was fired because he said the 9/11 hijackers were not cowards. I agreed with him on that too. You could call those people lots of things but cowards should not have been on that list. If you are willing to give your LIFE for what you believe, you are not a coward. I disagree with Mr. Maher on this one because Rush went on and on for three days about this woman and was just making stuff up about her. He was stating things as fact that were not true where as Mr. Maher was giving his opinion.

I said in the past that Democrats were spineless and would not stand up for what they believe in. Now I have to say the same thing about Republican leaders. They are spineless cowards because they refuse to stand up to a bully attacking a woman.