Friday, May 27, 2011

Now Folks Want To Get Mad

A friend sent me this and as you can see I liked it enough to post it. I don't agree with every word 100% but almost. Clinton played a large part in the deregulation on Wall Street and that let the bats out of their cage. Bush had time to fix it and he didn't. Bush passed the Patriot Act which is just one of the many things he got wrong and O'bama has not fixed them. In fact he just extended the Patriot Act for four more years. I have friends who say that I am an O'bama supporter and that I never complain about him. I try not to use names on here but I am going to make an exception. Quetta, O'bama was wrong to extend the Patriot Act. He should end it along with many of the things your best friend and favorite President George W. Bush did during his 8 years. See I can complain about him too. Anyway here is the e-mail. Enjoy and think.

Remember these? Americans have a short attention and memory. They will transfer these abominations of Governmental leadership from the Bush/Cheney years to the Obama administration, regardless of the truth in History. And you know why? Even well-meaning Americans will be seduced by the dark side.

After The 8 Years Of The Bush/Cheney Disaster, Now You Get Mad?

You didn't get mad when the Supreme Court stopped a legal recount and appointed a President.
You didn't get mad when Cheney allowed Energy company officials to dictate Energy policy and push us to invade Iraq.
You didn't get mad when a covert CIA operative got outed.
You didn't get mad when the Patriot Act got passed.
You didn't get mad when we illegally invaded a country that posed no threat to us.
You didn't get mad when we spent over 800 billion (and counting) on said illegal war.
You didn't get mad when Bush borrowed more money from foreign sources than the previous 42 Presidents combined.
You didn't get mad when over 10 billion dollars in cash just disappeared in Iraq.
You didn't get mad when you found out we were torturing people.
You didn't get mad when Bush embraced trade and outsourcing policies that shipped 6 million American jobs out of the country.
You didn't get mad when the government was illegally wiretapping Americans.
You didn't get mad when we didn't catch Bin Laden.

You didn't get mad when Bush rang up 10 trillion dollars in combined budget and current account deficits.
You didn't get mad when you saw the horrible conditions at Walter Reed.
You didn't get mad when we let a major US city, New Orleans, drown.
You didn't get mad when we gave people who had more money than they could spend, the filthy rich, over a trillion dollars in tax breaks.
You didn't get mad with the worst 8 years of job creations in several decades.
You didn't get mad when over 200,000 US Citizens lost their lives because they had no health insurance.
You didn't get mad when lack of oversight and regulations from the Bush Administration caused US Citizens to lose 12 trillion dollars in investments, retirement, and home values.
You finally got mad
When a black man was elected President and decided that people in America deserved the right to see a doctor if they are sick. Yes, illegal wars, lies, corruption, torture, job losses by the millions, stealing your tax dollars to make the rich richer, and the worst economic disaster since 1929 are all okay with you, but helping fellow Americans who are sick...Oh, Hell No!!

Thank you Lee for pointing out the most important thing that was left off the list and I should have caught it.

No one seem to be mad about the fact that as of 31 May 2011 49,856 soldiers have been killed and/or injured in the War on Terror. That number should be shameful but the truth is far too many people just don't give a damn.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Bush's Credit

Back in 2002 President Bush said this.

I was okay with what he said then. He is on the inside and getting information that we will never know. He was the one responsible for making the decisions on military actions. If he felt that Osama was not that big a deal then I can accept that. I didn't hear any Republicans at the time or now complaining about his statement.

Now it is as if the Republicans are trying to rewrite history. Saying that Bush deserves credit for what Obama ordered the Navy Seals to do. Obama said when he was running for The Presidency that he would try to get Osama. He got him. Now the Republicans want Bush to get credit for what he said he was not trying to do. I would like my Republican readers to please explain this to me. Post it in the comment section. You don't have to put your name on your post.

I put the video up because one Republican friend tried to tell me that Bush never said what he said. The beauty of internet is that if you say something on video it will live forever. You can't un-ring that bell.

I will try to post more to my blog because I changed my URL. It’s a Google thing. Please share my blog with your friends. Also feel free to post comments so that I can respond to them. It helps to give me something to blog about.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Normally the things I post are based on what moves me to do so. This time I am posting because I was asked.

When I heard that Osama had been killed I was relieved. When I saw all the people cheering and dancing in the streets I was a bit saddened. I just can’t celebrate the death of another human being. As bad a person that Osama was there were people that loved him and those people are hurting. Don’t get me wrong, I do understand why they were celebrating. I do understand that everyone doesn’t see the world the same way I do. Here’s the thing. If I had been in Obama’s shoes I believe I would have given the same order he did. I would have sent those guys in to get him and kill him.

I tend to try to look at thing from both points of view. I may not always put it to paper but that is because I am not a writer. I hope I get better as time goes on but as you see in things that I have written that sometimes I will go off in left field and get off topic (like now). That’s because I’m not a writer.

Back to topic. I agree with The President about not releasing the pictures. Some people want to see the pictures because they like seeing gore. Others want to see the pictures because they don’t want to believe the White House. Those that don’t want to believe WILL NOT believe. Some people see conspiracy in everything this President and/or the government does. Here is my conspiracy theory. I made this up last night while talking this over with my wife. The Bush Administration found and killed Osama in 2002 and burned his body. That’s why Bush said “I am not looking for Osama anymore and don’t spend any time thinking about him”. They didn’t tell anyone so that they could keep the wars going. Obama gets elected and found out what they had done. Rather than tell the American public they decide to pretend to kill Osama and bury the body at sea so that they can end the war. That’s as good a theory as any other. Feel free to add to it. If you do add to it please post it under the comments section. I would love to read it.

To the person that asked me to post this, I hope I answered your question and thanks for reading.