Yesterday President Obama showed his birth certificate trying to prove to the Birthers that he is an American citizen. Let me first say that there is nothing that he can do that would make this group of people believe that he is legit. They will never accept a black man as their President. It upsets me that he would even respond to their idiotic claims that he is an illegitimate President.
This reminds me of the times when free black men had to carry their papers on them to prove that they were free. This is not those times. The President of the United States should not have to answer crazy questions from a bunch of knuckle draggers. It is like trying to explain quantum physics to kindergarten children. Truth be told, I think they understand but refuse to accept it.
A friend tried to compare the Birthers to the people that would call President W. Bush dumb. I disagree with her only because those people did that because of things Bush did and said. Like making up words and pushing doors that he should have pulled. The comments were based on his actions. There is no foundation for the illegitimate claims cast on President Obama other than the color of his skin.
I am happy that I’m not the President because the television stations would have to beep me if I had gotten the question about my birth certificate. Never in the history of this country has a President had to endure this level of disrespect. I don’t think I could smile and put up with it. I don’t agree with the President most of the time. He doesn’t fight enough for me. I believe in compromise but he seems to cave in and give the Republicans what they want far too soon.
I support the President but I don’t like the way the Republicans are treating him. He is allowing them to treat him like some “House Nigger”. I know I’m not supposed to use that word but no other word seems to fit. My mother sometimes reads my blog and because of that I can’t write some of the things I’m thinking right now. This really has me pissed off. He needs to stand up to these people. I know it is not all Republicans but until some Republicans denounce the Tea Baggers and Birthers, they are one.
Let me end by saying that if I could talk to President Obama I would tell him that he does not have enough papers to satisfy the knuckle draggers. There is no point in going down that road and he does not have to. He is the President of the United States of America so grow a spine and act like it. The Birthers are a bunch of F-ing racist and he can’t please them, so just plow thru them.