It’s been a long time since I posted anything. It has been on my mind to do so but I have not been inspired to write anything. After seeing and hearing all the attacks from the Right Wing people aimed at President O’bama I felt the need to get some stuff off my chest.
I don’t know if it I racist or just plain hate for the opposition. What I do know is that it is not fair.
Let’s go back to before O’bama was elected. The Right Wing of the Republican Party said that O’bama was hanging out with terrorist because he was at a dinner that William Ayers also attended. Ayers is a man that was a 60s war protester that was involved with a group that wanted to bomb government buildings. What that has to do with O’bama is beyond me. Unless they are saying that being at a dinner that someone who once had violent or unpatriotic ideas about the government also attended makes you unelectable. If that is indeed what they are saying then I don’t understand why they didn’t complain when George H.W. Bush ran for public office. Why didn’t they complain about George W. Bush when he ran for office? They had dinner with Prescott Sheldon Bush. He is the father of H.W. Bush and grandfather of W. Bush.
I found out about Prescott when I was reading about Medal of Honor recipients. I was reading about Smedley Darlington Butler. This man had one hell of a life and you should Google him. To make a very long story short, In 1934 General Butler testified before Congress that he had been recruited to head a military coup. It was called The Business Plot. The intent was to overthrow President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Prescott Bush was among those involved in this coup. This is all documented on congressional papers. The level of development was disputed but the fact that it was going on and talked about was not. Had they not chosen General Butler, more likely than not, this would be a very different country today. The Right Wing never complained about all those dinners Bush 41 and 43 had with Prescott.
On 9 Sep. 2010 during an address to joint sessions of Congress, Rep. Joe Wilson of South Carolina shouted “You Lie” from his congressional seat to President O’bama. This is something that is beyond unheard of. Never before had something like that been done. I don’t want to call it racist but it is defiantly highly disrespectful. This reaction is questionable because it is coming from the Republican Party that during the Bush administration touted patriotism above all else especially during war time. We are still at war. You have to wonder, would this had happened if O’bama were white? Or is it because he is a Democrat?
There is no way to know but it is something to think about. I don’t think the Republicans want to work with O’bama because they don’t respect him. It’s hard to work with and for someone that you don’t respect. There are any number reasons for not respecting someone besides their race. I wonder what their reason is. There was a time when you didn’t have to respect the person but you respected the office.
Let me also say that I don’t agree with everything President O’bama has done. He has not done enough. I voted for President O’bama partly because he said he wanted Health Care for all. I thought he would push for it and I believe what we got was far short of that. When you are working with people that don’t want to compromise you have to go your own way. There is nothing that President O’bama can do that the Republicans will not criticize. If he agrees with them they will criticize that. He should understand that and do what he said he would do when the people elected him.
I could go on and on about the things being said about this man, our President. These crazy Birthers and Tea Baggers are a whole story within itself. One has to wonder where they were during the Bush administration. They sat by silently while he spent money like a drunken sailor and they said nothing. Now President O’bama is spending money trying to get the country back on its feet and they are screaming bloody murder. You have to ask, what is their motivation? Is it race?
Some of these people are just bat sh*t crazy. I know a Tea Bagger and let me tell you a little bit about this person. This person works for the state. Our Governor said on TV that he was doing a 6% pay cut to all state workers so that he would not have to do any layoffs. The following Monday this person found out they were being laid off. Some of the local bosses got together and moved this person into another position and saved this state workers job. A few months later the Governor announced another round of 6% pay cuts across the board for all state workers. Then it was found out that this same Governor had given his own staff pay raises. This Tea Bagger still supports this Governor. This is the only person that I know who admits to being a Tea Bagger. I wish I knew more. They are fascinating.
I say all this to say you have to wonder if all or some of this backlash that President O’bama is getting is because of his race. Are those who are obstructing his path racist or are they just bat sh*t crazy? You tell me.